Tuesday, April 7, 2009

Reading Update

Just a quick update on my 1,001 Books reading process:

I think I might give myself a bit of a break from The Autumn of the Patriarch. The set-up of the book is just not conducive to my reading habits. I love Gabriel Garcia Marquez's writing style with long, descriptive sentences and hugely symbolic language, but it's hard to follow when I'm trying to read a few lines in between classes and such. So, I'm pondering my next book choice a bit. I'm thinking Casino Royale by Ian Fleming or taking a break from the 1,001 Books list for Isabel Allende's Zorro (I adore her...I'm sure I'll be writing a retroactive review of House of the Spirits sometime soon), which was recommended to me a few years ago.

And just a warning in general: reading and, therefore, posting will be a bit infrequent over the next few weeks as my last! semester winds down. I have some papers and tests (and job applications!) that are going to be more important than reading for fun over the next few weeks.

1 comment:

  1. No wonder you commented on my post today! That was right up your alley, wasn't it?
    Love Zorro and all things Allende. You just can't go wrong with her.
    I haven't read The Autumn of the Patriarch. Some Marquez I love and others - not so much.
    Thanks again for stopping by today.
