Monday, August 10, 2009

100 Best Beach Books Ever?

As I head off to take an editing test for a job (which I would really like to have), I just wanted to post this link to the NPR website. It seems to have sparked quite a few discussions around book blogs: 100 Best Beach Books Ever. I agree; some of these books instantly make me think of summer (probably a combination of when I remember reading them/the actual plots, themes, etc. of the book) -- Harry Potter, Twilight, Garp, and The Bean Trees come to mind. But there are others that I have read that make me think, "Huh? You're including that?" In particular, Snow Falling on Cedars. What about that book makes anyone think of Summertime and the beach? The word "snow" is in its title for gosh sakes! So, personally, I don't know if I would label this book the "Best Beach Books." It seems a bit more akin to a list of books people should read from every genre (classics, romance, YA, etc.). Which, I have to admit, is a list that seems to be needed to replace some of the more stuck-up, dreary classics only lists that are floating around out there. This list, in that respect, seems oddly reminiscent of the 100 New Classics by Entertainment Weekly.

I guess all the differences come down to how people define a "beach read." I've seen people on the beach with everything from the smutty romance novel to a Tom Clancy book (that would be my husband!) to a huge tome of a classic. Since the NPR audience contributed to this list, maybe that's why there seems to be such a wide range of the kinds of books included. It's interesting for its very ability to start conversation, which is always appreciated!

What do you think: how do you define a beach read? Is it something mindless or do you prefer to have your toes in the sand with an "official" classic?

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